Warragul Population (VIC)

In 2011 there were 14074 people living in Warragul. 47.3% are male and 52.7% are female. Warragul has a population of 117 indigenous people.

Warragul Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females660.5%
Indigenous Males510.4%
Indigenous Population1170.8%
Females born in Australia634845.1%
Males born in Australia574640.8%
People born in Australia1209485.9%
Female Population741252.7%
Male Population666247.3%
Total Population14074100%

Warragul (VIC) Population Pyramid

Warragul Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 44973.5%4623.3%9596.8%
5 - 149376.7%9736.9%191013.6%
15 - 195333.8%4853.4%10187.2%
20 - 243932.8%3842.7%7775.5%
25 - 347165.1%8285.9%154411.0%
35 - 448586.1%9116.5%176912.6%
45 - 548696.2%10377.4%190613.5%
55 - 648095.7%9496.7%175812.5%
65 - 745934.2%6894.9%12829.1%
75 - 843632.6%4543.2%8175.8%